What if I Receive a Task from Processing Regarding an Error?

  1. In Salesforce and via Gmail, you will receive a task created by someone on the processing team.
  2. In Salesforce navigate to Tasks. Make sure you have "My Tasks" selected to view all of your tasks. Click on the link under "Subject" to open your tasks.
  1. Review the task details. Click on the link in the Related To field to open up the record that needs correction.
  1. Make the appropriate corrections. On the opportunity record, mark the Hold Resolved checkbox and click Save. Return to your task and mark the task as complete. This will filter your opportunity back into the Purchase Order Queue and alert the processing team your opportunity is ready for processing.
Invoice Requests/Questions from Customers
  • Invoice requests on closed-won opportunities - send to billing@progresslearning.com and cc orders@progresslearning.com
  • In instances where the request is urgent, please add "URGENT" in the subject line of the email and my team will prioritize the request.  
  • Pre-invoice requests - open opportunities - send to orders@progresslearning.com
  • All questions regarding an invoice by email or phone can be forwarded or sent to - orders@progresslearning.com or lenne@progresslearning.com.  In instances a customer is on the phone, please slack a processing team member by using @here in the accounting-renewals-phonequeue.

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