Performance Insights - Objectives (DRAFT)

Goals, or Objectives as you’ll see in the application, are an outcome you are trying to reach. The best goals are aspirational and challenging, yet realistic enough for you to reach them with true effort. Objectives & Key Results (OKRs) is a collaborative goal-setting framework for defining and tracking objective outcomes.

Learn more about Basic Goals here:

Creating an Objective
  1. Log into Paycor. Click Employees. Click Performance Insights.
  2. Click Objectives - Overview from the side pane. Click the drop-down under "me" and select the person or department for which you would like to create a new objective.
  1. In Objectives Overview, click New Objective.
  1. Name your objectives to reference the purpose and achievements your efforts are working to accomplish.
    Define the measurement type to represent the metrics that will determine objective achievement. You can customize how you would like to track your progress by selecting between Percentage, Numeric, Complete/incomplete, or Currency measurement types.
  2. Set a parent objective if applicable. (edit screenshot)
  1. Complete the required fields.
  • Type the Outcome. The Outcome is the goal you want your employee to achieve.
  • Add an optional Description to futher explain the Outcome.
  • Select a Measurement Type.

  1. Set a Check-in reminder. This will send an email to the assigned owner and stakeholder(s) of the objectives. Select the day of the week that works best for the reminder.
  2. Click Save to save the objective or Save and create another to create another objective.
Objectives Check-in
  1. Click Overview under Objectives on the left side pane.
  2. Under the reports section, managers can see Overall Progress, 7 Day Change, when the last check-in was, and the status of each objective. Expand for more details.
  3. Underneath People, the Departments section will show you your department's overall objective(s) progress.
  4. Click Check-in on the left side pane.
    1. View the objective.
    2. Record key results.
    3. Select a Status. You must choose a status before clicking Check in.
    4. Enter optional Check in message.
  1. Click Check in. The Check-in notes will show on the right of the objective.

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Performance Review (Managers)
