NWEA Mapping Page - Details & Troubleshooting Steps

DaCota Cole Updated by DaCota Cole

This guide will walk you through all the information and methods we have to answer NWEA questions from school admins, the troubleshooting process, and how/when to escalate an issue to Support or NWEA's team.

Before we get started, it's important to be familiar with mapping and syncing student accounts to their NWEA data on the NWEA Mapping page. This guide will walk you through all the mapping and syncing functions on the page which will be needed to see the data mentioned throughout this article.
  1. Check to ensure students have been mapped and synced to their NWEA data in Progress Learning. If you see any students where the term column is blank, their scores either need to be synced or aren't available from NWEA yet. Once a school or district shares data with us, the data syncs from NWEA to a database our API pulls from. This means when data is shared with us, it won't be available until the following day ~4:30 AM ET.
  2. If a school admin tells you the results for the student at the bottom of the screenshot above exist in NWEA, there are a couple of things we can try before escalating the reported issue.
    1. We can try syncing the student again to see if their results have been updated since the last time their account was synced. I prefer syncing all pages. This will NOT impact any work students have done in their Galaxies in Liftoff. The only time it will potentially bring a student's rockets down is if you're syncing new term scores from NWEA. (Note: Syncing new terms can move rockets down or up, as well as effect a student's star count, and alien ranking)
    2. Be sure to check the sync status option to ensure you've allowed ample time for the updates to be processed before selecting the view button, and checking the student again.
  3. If the student's scores still aren't showing in Progress Learning, and the term column is still blank, we may need to wait a day for the data to update in NWEA -> Progress Learning.
  4. If you've completed steps 1-3, and a student's scores still aren't coming over from NWEA. Please contact DaCota and he can check the API to verify the issue is on NWEA's end. 99% of the time it is for what it's worth.
  5. Once we've verified the issue is on NWEA's end, we cc. the customer and email instructionalconnections@hmhco.com documenting the student and school in question. It's most helpful to include the student bid, otherwise known as NWEA's unique student ID for results. It looks something like this, ea095b46-386a-4846-ad37-484737df65fe, and is referred to as the NWEA ID shown in the figure in step 1. This process typically takes NWEA's team 3-5 business days to correct. In rare instances I've seen it take as long as a week or two. The more often we check for an update, the faster they expedite issues.

Now that we know how to troubleshoot discrepancies in NWEA data available in Progress Learning, let's look at some of the information available on the page once a student's scores have been synced.

  • Show Results
    If you select the 'Show Results' hyperlink in the 'Test Results' Column, a modal will appear. Within the window you can see the NWEA Grade level for the topic area based on their RIT Score. This is the scoring scale that NWEA uses for MAP Growth Diagnostics. If it's 3 for example, the student's rocket would be placed on galaxy 3, and so forth.

  • Unmap
    Below the 'Actions' column, you can select the hyperlink to 'Unmap' the corresponding student. Once you select this, it will remove the student's connection to their NWEA Data. It will not remove any results that have already been synced to their account, but it will prevent future scores from syncing to their account.
  • Disable
    Below the 'Disable NWEA' column, you can select the 'Disable' button which will populate the following message:

If you select 'Ok' to confirm, the student's NWEA scores will be removed from their account, and they will be able to take the adaptive NWEA Diagnostics that we provide instead of applying their NWEA Scores. (We have future enhancments to allow the admin to select a subject > topic area as opposed to resetting all diagnostics. We area also working on adding a section to the Liftoff Management page to allow doing the same for manually taken diagnostics for non-NWEA integrated schools.)

  • View Student Status
    Selecting this button will populate a window that displays whether or not a student's NWEA results have been synced and exist in Progress Learning. It is also helpful if a school admin wants to know who mapped the students and when.
  • View Sync Status
    This button will show any current or past syncs where student NWEA results were synced to their Progress Learning account. This process runs in the background and admins do not have to wait until the sync has completed before leaving the page.
  • View
    This button refreshes the view of the page. If you've just synced new scores, you may need to select this button before validating the terms to see if anything has updated since you initially checked.
  • Start Mapping

Selecting this button will map all users based on the filters set at the top of the page. By default it will map all users if no modifications have been made.

How did we do?

How to set up a school with NWEA MAP
