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Paycor - 1:1s

Use the 1-on-1s function to:
  • Schedule 1-on-1 conversations
  • Prepare for your 1-on-1 by adding agenda items, questions, and other details
  • Keep follow-up or prep notes to use during 1-on-1s
  • Add and track action items
  • Guide productive and engaging conversations with employees
  • Note additional information like something interesting you may want to remember

1-on-1 Overview
  1. Log into Paycor. Click the menu button. Click People > Performance.
  2. Click 1-on-1s from the side menu. The 1-on-1s Overview Page includes:
  • History: View any 1-on-1 in draft mode with the scheduled date, along with any completed 1-on-1s.
  • Begin a New 1-on-1: Select your participants, template (if you'd like one), date, for how long and recurrence, then prep the 1-on-1 to send a calendar invite.
  • Action Items: Highlights any action items you or others must complete from past 1-on-1s.
  • 1-on-1 Templates: Create new templates from scratch or browse global templates to leverage when beginning a new 1-on-1.
Creating or Using 1-on-1 Templates
  1. Scroll to the 1-on-1 Templates section. Under GLOBAL TEMPLATES, choose from any pre-built Paycor or company-built templates. Click New Template to create your own. You can skip this step and skip to Set up 1-on-1s.
  1. If you clicked New Template, complete the following details:
  • Enter a title for your template
  • Add an optional description for your template
  • Template Settings: make your selection here for 1-on-1 sharing permissions and 1-on-1 template settings
  • Template Items - enter questions or topics to be discussed during the 1-on-1
    • Select the response type
    • Click New Topic to add another topic to be discussed.
    • Click Add attachments to add any files to the 1-on-1 template.
  • Click Finish editing to save your template. Your templates will be saved under "My Templates". You can always edit an existing template or add a new one as needed.
Set up 1-on-1s
  1. In the Begin a new 1-on-1 section, make your selections:
  • Facilitator: Select yourself (Manager)
  • Participant: Employee
  • Template: Select a template you built, global template, or start without a template.
  • When:
    • Select the date for the first 1-on-1
    • Select the time
    • Select the duration
    • Toggle on Reoccurring to make this a reoccurring 1-on-1
    • Select the frequency of the 1-on-1
    • Use the Compare Calendars link to view both Facilitator's and Participant's Google Calendar.
  1. Click Prep new 1-on-1 to schedule the 1-on-1. You and the participant will receive a calendar notification and an email notification.
Set up Calendar Invites
  1. Navigate to Google Calendar.
  2. Click on the first 1-on-1 scheduled on your calendar.
  3. Click the three dots. Click Duplicate.
  4. If Zoom is not populated, add Zoom as the Video Conferencing tool.
  5. Click Save and update all events. Click to send updates to guests.
  6. Delete the original event. Select This and following events. Click OK.
Conduct the 1-on-1
  1. From your google calendar, click the link to open your 1-on-1 document inside Paycor. Start the Zoom meeting as you usually would.
You may be prompted to log into Paycor. Upon logging in, you will be redirected to your 1-on-1 document.
  1. Click under Action Items to add applicable action Items. These are to-do list items that you would like to keep up with during your 1-on-1s. Type your action item and click Add or type the Return Key.
  1. Choose a person to assign the action item to and select a due date.
  2. Take a look at any past action items.
  1. For all re-occurring 1-on-1s, you can click Expand all previous notes to see notes from past 1-on-1s.
  1. Take notes during the 1-on-1 in your template or text box space. The text box allows the participant (employee) and facilitator (manager) to add their notes. The default setting for these notes is set to visible, and they are also autosaved.
  • Template Example - The agenda items will be populated from the chosen template. Because a template was used, the sections are locked and cannot be removed.
  • No Template Example - The Manager/Employee enters free text into the text box. You can also choose to "Add Topic" and choose a response type. Please make sure you click Publish in order to finalize the 1-on-1.
  1. Click Send notification email to send your Manager/Employee notification of your completed answers. Click within the Notification Email to view the notes your employee has added.
  2. Objectives are available on the right-side of the screen. The objectives will be helpful in performance/coaching conversations. This is visible to the manager and employee. Past 1-on-1s, Recognitions, and Feedback are available within this pane as well.
  1. Click Finalize 1-on-1 to complete the 1-on-1.
Please ensure all notes are "Published" to finalize the 1-on-1.
  1. To view past 1-on-1s, click 1-on-1 from the left menu. Click on any 1-on-1 from the COMPLETED 1-ON-1s section.

  1. To view any outstanding action items from 1-on-1s, scroll down to "Action Items". You can view all action items or filter them based on the assignee. Check the checkbox to mark as action item as "done".

How did we do?

How Do I Update My Photo in Paycor?

Performance Insights - Objectives (DRAFT)
