Navigating the Work Queue in Salesforce

Kelly Irwin Updated by Kelly Irwin

In this article, you will learn how to access your work queue in Salesforce and complete cadence tasks, including emails and calls.
  1. From anywhere in Salesforce, click on the carrot beside the navigation menu and select "Home"
  2. Click on "Open Work Queue"
  3. Click on Icon on the right side of the list to start that task
    Example task below is an email. Cadence steps can be an email, call, or task. Clicking the icon will take you to the proper next step.

  1. Once the envelope icon is clicked, an email window will open including the appropriate template in the cadence. Insert your calendar link if needed by highlighting the ***Insert Calendar Link*** text and clicking on the calendar icon below to insert your calendar link.
  2. Attached a copy of the quote by clicking on the paper clip icon if the template mentions an "attached quote." If the quote was saved in Salesforce, it will be visible in the list after you click the paper clip. Your most recent quotes will be at the top of the list. If you are looking for a quote that was saved a while ago, you can use the search bar. Click on your quote and select "Add."

  1. Click Send to complete the step. A new task will populate in your work queue for the next cadence step on the appropriate due date.
  2. Cadence calls are handled in a similar fashion. First, you will navigate to your work queue and click on the phone icon next to the call step.
  3. You will be redirected to the opportunity record, and a call window will appear in the lower right corner. Make your phone call through Vonage, and enter the results. You'll need to select a call result, update the activity to renewal call, enter any notes from your call, and then click save. Once this is done, the next cadence task with populate in your work queue with the appropriate due date.
    If you successfully connect with the main contact, you should remove the contact from the cadence and continue to follow up using templates for the rest of the renewal cycle.

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