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Opensense Signatures for Progress Learning

Mackenzie Maddox Updated by Mackenzie Maddox

For signatures, we utilize Opensense. This service allows us to update our signature one time only and all updates will be pushed out to your signatures automatically!

What is Opensense?

Opensense is a service that allows the marketing team to centrally manage the appearance and content of email signatures across all devices. This helps our branding stay consistent and emails look professional. This tool is optimized to help prevent us from getting caught in spam filters and follows all email best practices and guidelines.

New Update: Progress Learning emails can now include their profile picture in their signature. To accomplish this, just add a new line Headshot: True into all of your signature block locations.

How does it work?

Opensense transforms a simple, plain text signature into a template that’s defined by marketing. Send yourself an email (to a non-Progress Learning email) to see how this works.

Create your Signature:

  1. Visit
  2. Complete the form on the left - the information not listed is tied to your Google Directory account and will automatically fill in your signature. 
    1. For "Link" you can include a link for the “Schedule a call” link in the signature. If you leave this blank, this option will not show in your signature.
      1. Specifically for CSMs and ECSMs, use the link listed for you in this doc.
    2. For "Direct" type your direct line (or cell phone number) if appropriate. If you leave this blank, this option will not show in your signature.
      1. To find your direct company number, open Vonage from your desktop, click on your initials, and click the drop-down next to your Extension to locate your “My Direct Dial Number.” 
    3. For "Headshot" type the word "true." This will insert the image from your Google Profile into your signature. If you leave this blank, this option will not appear in your signature.
      1. For more information, visit: How Do I Update My Photo in Google?
  3. Click the “Copy to Clipboard” button

To Configure in Gmail

  1. In Gmail, click on the Settings Gear icon. Click See all Settings.
  2. Scroll down to Signature and select "My signature" in the left box. Or create a new one and label it "My Signature"
  3. "Paste" the signature you just created and "copied" in the steps above
    1. Ensure in the FOR NEW EMAILS USE drop-down: My signature is selected.
    2. Select My signature or no signature in the ON REPLY/FORWARD USE drop-down.
If you would like your name to display as something different than what is in our Company's Google Directory, please submit an IT ticket with your preferred name
  1. Scroll down and click Save Changes.
  2. When you have completed this step, send yourself a test email - be sure to send it to a non-Progress Learning account. Your signature will not transform if sent to your Progress Learning account.

To Configure in Salesforce

  1. In Salesforce, click on your profile picture and click Settings.
  1. Click Email and My Email Settings.
  2. Paste your email block
  3. Click Save.

For a step-by-step walk-through, click "view steps" below

When the signature will NOT transform:

There are a couple of situations where an Opensense signature will not transform:

  1. Viewing emails in your Sent Mail folder:
    1. Opensense signature will appear “un-transformed” in your Sent Mail folder. This is expected behavior.
    2. When replying/forwarding an item from the Sent Mail folder, the untransformed signature block on the original Sent Mail will be removed.
  2. If you send an email to yourself: to
  3. If you send an email to your own email alias: to
  4. If you send an email to a linked personal email on the iPhone app. The iPhone app allows the transfer of emails between linked email addresses. When emailing yourself in this circumstance, the signature will not transform, because it was transferred within the app and not sent.

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