Table of Contents

Salesforce/Hubspot - AE Standard Operating Procedures

Zoe McCullough Updated by Zoe McCullough

Step 1: Schedule the Demo

From Quick Call

  • Click on the carrot next to the name of the person you spoke with and select "Schedule Meeting", then fill out the required information.

The Contact Record

  • When you open up the contact record of the prospect you spoke with, click on the carrot drop-down and select "Schedule Meeting & Create Lead - AE".

Step 2: Create the Opportunity
  1. Once the demo is booked from either quick call or the contact record, in Salesforce, search for the email address associated with the demo you booked, open the lead record, and fill in the "New Sales Lead Source" FIRST, then click "Converted".
  2. This will bring you to a page that allows you to relate the lead. Select the options shown below:
    Account - "Choose Existing"
    Contact - "Choose Existing"
    Opportunity - "Create New"
  1. From here, go to the opportunity and fill in these fields:
Step 3: (Post Demo) Mark Your Demo
This is a very important step that must be completed.
  1. In the opportunity, immediately after completing your demo, you will mark your demo as Completed under the "Demo Status".
  2. You will also need to add the notes and important information you gathered from the call.
This will serve you in the future with selling points and moving through roadblocks throughout the sales cycle. You can also note anything about the prospect that may connect you in a personal way, such as a favorite football team, etc..
Step 4: Setting up Tasks/Calendar Blocks/Next Steps
  1. As you move throughout the sales cycle, it is vital to set yourself tasks to serve as a reminder to carry out follow-up emails/calls to ensure the sale doesn't become stagnant.
  2. When you set a task in Salesforce, it is also important to set the same reminder in your Google Calendar. In case you miss one, you will have the other.
  3. You will also need to continue updating the "Next Step" Block located in the opportunity. As you are moving throughout the sales cycle and adding the "next steps" notes into the opportunity "Activity" section, add these same notes into the "Next Step" block as seen below:
Step 5: Moving Through Pipeline Stages

Stages carry the weighted value of your opportunities. Each stage has its own meaning. See below:

  • 0% - Staging:
    • Demos that are scheduled but not happened and demos that need to be rescheduled 
  • 2% - Qualification:
    • Pre Quote Request
    • Can house trials for now
  • 5% - Exploration
    • Any lead or contact that an AE wants to track via an opportunity
  • 10% - Needs Analysis
    • Post-demo
    • The customer provided feedback on what school(s) needs
    • Quote in hand
  • 25% - In Negotiation
    • The customer has stated they are interested in having more discussions. Needs to see pricing, bring in others, etc
  • 50% - Approval Process
    • The customer has stated they want to move forward and the deal is getting approved by the board, principal, etc
  • 75% - Commitment
    • The customer has stated that the deal was approved with a signing date.
  • 95% - DPO in Hand
    • The customer has signed a Delayed Payment Option (intent to purchase)
  • 99% - PO in Hand
    • We have received the PO from the customer(this is for finance)
  • 100% - Closed Won
    • A completed opportunity that has been processed, activated, and invoiced
  • 0% - Closed Lost
    • The opportunity has been declared lost
Step 6: Before Finalizing the Sale

Once the PO comes through, before sending it off to orders, Make sure the following is completed:

  1. Make sure your implementation, integration, and billing contacts have been updated.
  2. Make sure the start date reflects the day you received the purchase order and then update the end date.
  3. Make sure the "Onboarding Notes" have been filled out so that the OBS knows important information about the customer, such as what integrations they will need, specific requested training dates, etc.
Step 7: Finalizing the Sale

Once done, send the PO to Once the PO has been processed by orders, follow the steps below:

  1. Go to the account page and click on the email icon under "Activity".
  2. You will put the name of your primary contact and all important parties in the email and cc the onboarding specialist.
  3. Do not put anything in the body of the email, but instead, go to the bottom and click on the chat box as shown in the example below. You will choose the option "OBS Handoff Email".
  4. Click "Send" and you're done!

How did we do?

Pipeline Migration

​K-5 Demo Script
