Add VPP Purchases to MDM Provider (JumpCloud)

Sam Gunter Updated by Sam Gunter


The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of how the IT Helpdesk department purchases apps available on the Apple App Store for macOS, iOS, iPadOS, and more

Intended Audience

  • IT Helpdesk staff


  • administrator or purchase access is required
  • administrator access is required
  • Free or Paid apps are all purchases
  • This is required before an app can be installed onto team members machines

How to purchase new VPP apps

  1. Log into with credentials found in 1Password
    1. 2 Step Verification is currently linked to Sam's cell number
  2. Click on Apps & Books
    1. Search for the name of your app and verify your purchase for macOS, iOS, or iPadOS
  3. Follow through purchase process with quantity, pick the card on file, and choose your location at USATestprep, LLC
  4. After purchase is complete, log into with an administrator login
  5. Click on Software Management in the left sidebar
  6. Click on the Apple tab at the top of screen
  7. Click Refresh List and search for the name of the app just recently purchased

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