Activating Prospect Trials - Account Executives

Trials for Completed Demos

  1. Navigate to the opportunity record for the account that you would like to set up a trial.
  2. To activate the trial, you must complete a demo first. After completing the demo, select Completed in the Demo Status field.
  1. In the top right of the opportunity record, click the down arrow. Click Manage Trial.
  1. Click Next.
  1. Check the boxes next to the bundle(s) to trial. Click Next.
  1. Click Finish. The subscriptions will take about an hour to sync to Progress Learning. To view trial contract information, hover over Contracts or Subscriptions in the Related List Quick Links section on the account record.

Teacher Free Trials

  1. Navigate to the account record in Salesforce.
  2. Click the Manage Trial button.
  1. Click Next.
  1. Select the end date for the trial and check the boxes next to the bundle(s) to trial. Click Next.
Ensure to set your end date in monthly intervals. For example, if the trial starts on 08/01/2022, set the end date to 10/01/2022 instead of 10/15/2022. This is important as Salesforce contracts require this.
  1. The subscriptions will take about an hour to sync to Progress Learning. To view trial contract information, hover over Contracts or Subscriptions in the Related List Quick Links section on the account record.

Creating User Accounts for Trials

  1. Use this section in this article to create admin accounts for your trialists.
  2. For syncing questions, please see this article.
  3. Send an email to the teachers with their credentials along with the student upload instructions and training videos.
If you need to locate the account ID for the log in information, contact our support team. Ensure you send the Account ID for the correct account.

  • For integration requests, contact support.
  • For manual student upload instructions, click here.

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