Table of Contents

How Do I Create a New Account Record?

How to Create a New Account Record - School
  1. Click the menu drop-down, and click Accounts. Click New.
  1. Select School.
  2. Fill out the following fields:
  • Account Name
  • Parent Account (if applicable, this is usually the school district)
Please note - A manager will have to add the Parent Account for you. Once you have created the account, please let your manager know so that they can map the account to the appropriate parent account.
  • Type
  • Phone
  • Website
  • Shipping and Billing Addresses
  1. In the Progress Learning Launch section, select Progress Learning for "Platform for 2022 - 2023?".
  2. Click Save.

How-to Video
How to Create a Parent Account Record for a School Record
Even if a school does not belong to a district, a district/parent account must be related to a parent account before syncing to progress learning as this will prevent issues in the future. For example: A charter school that is not related to a district, still must have a district account created and related.
  1. Click the menu drop-down, click Accounts. Click New.
  1. Select District.
  2. Fill out the following fields:
  • Account Name - "school account name - District"
Example: Harper Academy - District.  EVERY district, regardless if a charter or not, will have "- District" at the end.
  • Type
  • Phone - same as school
  • Website - same as school
  • Shipping and Billing Addresses - same as school
  1. In the Progress Learning Launch section, select Progress Learning for "Platform for 2022 - 2023?".
  2. Click Save.
  3. Once you have created the account, please let your manager know so that they can map the account to the appropriate parent account.

How did we do?

Account Page Layout Changes (March '24)

How Do I Merge Accounts in Salesforce?
