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How Do I Complete a Clever/Classlink integration?

DaCota Cole Updated by DaCota Cole

Clever Integration - First Steps

  1. Search for the District's name in the search bar.
  • If "Launched" displays next to the district name, the district is already sharing with progress learning. Skip to this section.
  • If "Invite to connect" displays next to the district name, the district is not sharing with us. Continue to step 2.
  1. Type in the district's name.
  2. Click Invite to connect.
  3. Follow these steps so that you are notified of status updates so you know when they have shared data and you can finish setting them up.
If you onboard a Dallas ISD school, you will need to send the request to roster with Clever to, per Carrie Dexter (who is listed as the Clever contact.) You will also need to attach the PO.

1. Enter the contact's first name from the case

2. Enter the contact's last name from the case

3. Enter the contact's email from the case

4. Type the school(s) name in the message and remove {schools}.

5. Click Select Schools.

  1. From the onboarding case, send the Rostering - Clever email template to the Clever integration contact person and cc the POC.
  2. Wait one business day and then call the district and ask for the director of technology or the integration role contact in Salesforce. Once you get transferred to someone, ask who manages their data in Clever or ClassLink. If the person that you're transferred to doesn't answer, leave a voicemail and create a task in Salesforce to follow up in two business days. If they have not accepted the request in two days, call the contact.

After a District Accepts Our Request

  1. In Clever, click on the district name. Select the 'Filters' tab below the district name.
  1. Select the Edit or Create Filters link in the middle column.

  1. Select the option "I only need to scope down data to specific schools" and then Next.

  1. Click Save

  1. Select the 'Overview' tab, scroll to the bottom of the page, and find the school(s) you're setting up. Keep in mind that the number of students and teachers may not update until the hourglass disappears from the filters page you land on after you've added the filters for the corresponding school(s).
  2. Select the school name and double-check the shared students and teachers.
  1. Copy the school's Clever ID under the school ID section.

Mapping the District and Schools in our Mini CRM

  1. Navigate to our CRM. Click the Districts tab.
  • Enter the state
  • Enter the district name
  • Click Filter
The district must be mapped before mapping the school.
  • If a Clever ID is listed, the district has been mapped.
  • If a Clever ID is not listed, the district needs to be mapped.
    • Click on the District's Name
    • Copy/Paste the District ID from the Clever Portal into the Mini CRM and click Update
  1. Click "CRM" in the breadcrumbs at the top of the Mini CRM page and then select the Schools tab.
  • Enter the school name
  • Enter the State
  • Enter the district name
  • Click Filter
  • Click the school name.
  1. Click the Clever tab.
  1. Ensure there is a District Clever ID. If you need it, search for the district in the CRM.
  2. In the Clever portal, scroll to the bottom, where you see the list of schools. Click on a school name and copy the School ID.

  1. Paste the School ID from Clever in the Clever ID field.
  2. Click Update.
  3. Navigate back to the District in the Mini CRM. Click the District Name and click the Force Sync button.
A note will display reading "District sync started". This process takes less than 1 minute.

Impersonate Users Through Clever

  1. In Clever, click Data Browser.
  2. Select the District from the dropdown.
  • Identify the school in the list.
  • Click a teacher's first name.
  • Next to Debug Instant Login, click Log in as "first name".
  1. In Classlink's Partner Portal, click Clients, then View By Roster Server Connection.

If the District does not show up in Classlink, we need to send an email to request sharing. Follow steps 4-7 below. If they do show up, skip to the next section.

  1. Go to Salesforce and find the onboarding case, click Email.
  2. Click the template icon. Click Insert a Template. Click All Classic Templates from the dropdown.
  3. Click the PL - Initial Response - Classlink - template.
  4. Click Send.

Mapping the District and Schools in our Mini CRM

  1. Once the district is sharing with us, navigate to Classlink. Search for the district in the "TENANT NAME" field. Hit Enter.
Progress Learning should be listed under ROSTER SERVER CONNECTION.
  1. Select the key icon, then copy the application_id
  1. Navigate to our CRM.
  2. Click the Districts tab.
    • Enter the state
    • Enter the district name
    • Click Filter
    • If a Classlink ID is listed, the district has been mapped.
    The district must be mapped before mapping the school. Ensure the Classlink ID that shows up in Classlink's Partner Portal matches the Classlink ID in our CRM.
  3. Navigate to Classlink's Partner Portal. Select the View Roster button to the right of the district
  4. Click Orgs. Search for the school name. Copy the Sourced ID (School Classlink ID).
  5. Navigate to our CRM.
  6. Click the Schools tab.
    • Enter the school name
    • Enter the district name
    • Click Filter
  7. Click the school name.
  8. Click the Classlink tab.
  9. Paste the Sourced ID from ClassLink in the Classlink ID field. Click Update.

  1. Navigate to the District in the CRM. Click the District Name. Click Force Sync.
  1. Navigate to the Salesforce case record.
  2. Click Email.
  3. Click the template icon. Click Insert a Template. Click All Classic Templates from the dropdown.
  4. Click the Clever Launched for Progress Learning template or Classlink Launched for Progress Learning template.
  5. Enter the mapped schools in the email body. Click Send.
  6. Update the Case status to Closed. Click Mark as Current Status.

How did we do?

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