How Do I Input Data into Demo Accounts Quickly?

This article gives tips on how to add data to your demo accounts quickly.

Tip #1
  1. Create an assessment with the following settings and questions:
  • Allow students to view item results in detail: View questions and answers
  • Display questions in random order: No
  • I Will Select the Questions
    • Select the following questions: 1 Domain/2 Standards/5 questions from each
  • Assign the assessment to more than 10 students.
  1. Navigate to My Assessments.
  2. Locate the assessment you created and click the Action Icon. The answer key displays.
  3. Open an incognito window. Log in to each student's account and use the answer key to complete the assessment.
For diverse data, do not always select the correct answer.

Tip #2

Thank you Josh Fendley for this tip:

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