Trial Procedures

Mackenzie Maddox Updated by Mackenzie Maddox

Update: We will no longer be creating a $0 opportunity to activate a trial. Below is a list of every type of scenario you may encounter and how we plan to handle the trial requests in each instance; 

  1.  District Administrator, School Administrator/Instructional Coach/Implementation Contact, or Teacher requesting a trial at a new campus (prospect) 
    1. The AE will create an opportunity, and a demo must be completed
    2. Click the “manage trial” button from an account page in Salesforce, and then go to the Mini CRM to create accounts. If rostering with Classlink or Clever, AE will contact the support team for help. 
  2. District Administrator, School Administrator/Instructional Coach/Implementation Contact, or Teacher requesting a trial of an additional subject 
    1. Any teacher/admin user can request a trial of a subject in the platform by following the steps in this article: How can I request a trial for additional subjects? A district admin can also request a trial by following the steps in this article.
      1. The Upsell AE will be notified when we get a new request, and they will handle all of these requests 
      2. If it is an upgrade trial request from an enterprise account, The Upsell AE will loop in the ECSM to get on the same page with who is handling the communication to the district about their trial and usage of the trial. The Upsell AE can activate a trial but not add them to the cadence, if needed.
    2. A district administrator can log in to their account, click on the School Center and then Account Information, filter by school, and select the subjects for the trial school by school in the “Additional licenses for purchase” section. This request will then notify the upsell AE, and they will handle all of these requests.  
  3. District Administrator, School Administrator/Instructional Coach/Implementation Contact, or Teacher requesting a trial of a few additional grades/subjects/content areas 
    1. Send the customer an email and introduce the Upsell AE. “Let me connect you with Sean Marcus. He is our solutions specialist here at Progress Learning, and he would be happy to assist you with activating our science content.” The Upsell AE will then activate a full bundle trial. 
  4. Teacher Free Trials 
    1. Dalton activates any of these requests that come through for the states that can’t request a teacher free trial on the website. Dalton activates the account, and then they are self-service from there. 
  5. Full-Service Trials
    1. On hold until further notice. The AE team is currently managing their own trials. 

ResourceHow Do I Get Started with My Progress Learning Trial? (this article can be shared with any and all teachers and admins participating in a trial)

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