Table of Contents

How Do I Prospect Using Quick Call? (Account Executives)

Before using Quick Call, please set up the following:
Prospect Using Quick Call
  1. Click the Quick Call tab. Please have the Vonage desktop app opened while you prospect.
  1. Perform a school/district search by using any of the filter options. Click the Filter Schools button. Click on the icon to the left of the school name to prospect that account.
If you would like to utilize Quick Call for the Hub and Spoke model, set the status drop-down to Active Customer.
  1. Ensure the Total Active Paid Subscriptions, the # of Open Opportunities both are "0", the Contract Levels list No Active Contract, and the Earliest Unexpired School Subscription has nothing entered. In the Activity section, view any important information there.
  1. Identify a contact or lead to call. Copy and paste the phone number into your Vonage Desktop App. Within the Vonage Desktop App, click + New, and then click New Call.
After you have the right party contact on the phone, select the "Active Schools in District" tab to reference as needed. Use this information as part of your call script to build credibility with the prospect.
  1. After the call, log a note for the lead or contact. Click on the down arrow next to the lead or contact's name and click Log Activity. Select the applicable activity code and type in any necessary information.
  • CC-RPC = Cold Call, Right Party Contact
  • CC-No RPC = Cold Call, No Right Party Contact
  • FU-RPC = Follow Up, Right Party Contact
  • FU-No RPC = Follow Up, No Right Party Contact
CC: any initial call with a contact that we have not built rapport with. FU: any follow-up call where we set a reminder or task to call the person back at a later time after connecting previously.
  1. To book a demo, click on the down arrow next to the lead or contact's name and click Schedule a Demo. This will open the Account Executive's Calendly event page. Select an available time and date. Click Confirm. The fields will populate for you. You will leave a note in the required field. The note will look something like this:
  • Title, Person's Name, School Name, District Name, Contact Number IF there is more than one person, add the details for the lead or contact as well. Add yourself as a guest so that the demo shows up on your calendar. Click Schedule Event.
  1. Click Log Demo to log an on-the-spot demo. Add details of your demo. The date and time will default to the time you created the activity.
  2. If you scheduled a demo, create an opportunity record using these instructions. Ensure you fill out the demo fields on the opportunity record.
  3. If sending an email through Salesforce, Click send an email. The recipient will default to the email address associated with the lead or contact you selected. Enter an email subject and email message. Click Send.
  4. Repeat the above steps as you continue to prospect through Quick Call.

Contact/Lead Management

BDRs and AEs create contact records not lead records.

What are contact records? Contact records in Salesforce store information about the people we do, or have done business with (Customers) or potential customers.

What are lead records? Lead records come from our website today - trials, demo, and quote requests.

How Do I Manage Contacts in Salesforce?

  1. If the person you speak to does not exist in the lead or contact list, Click Add Contact. If the contact's email exists in Salesforce, the contact will be related to the account.

The giphy below shows how to relate an existing contact to an account.

The giphy below shows the Related Accounts on the contact record.

  1. If it does not exist, click Next, and add the contact's first name, last name, phone number, and title. Click "Next". The contact has been added and related to the account.
When creating a new contact record, enter a valid First name, Last name, Email, and Phone Number. For leads who do not want to give their first name, you may enter a salutation like Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr, etc.
  1. If you would like to remove and replace a contact with a new contact record, click the down-arrow and click Manage. Click the radio button next to Replace with another contact. Enter the contact's email and click Next. Complete the fields. Click Next.
  2. To remove a contact or lead click the arrow next to the contact or lead's name click Manage and select No longer at account to remove the contact completely. You will use this when the contact or lead is no longer at the school/district. Click here to see the article on how to remove bad leads.

How to Reschedule a Demo

  1. In Salesforce, Open the opportunity record.
  2. Check the pencil next to the Demo Status Field and select Reschedule.
  3. Check the pencil next to the Demo Date Field and select the new Demo Date.
  4. Check the pencil next to the Close Date Field and update the Close Date to three months after the rescheduled demo date.
  5. Click Save.

Video Training (to come)

Helpful terms:

How did we do?

How Do I Edit an Existing Quote?

How Do I Work Inbound Leads?
