Navigating the Home Screen in Salesforce


The purpose of this article is to navigate the home screen to view daily tasks and events and to get comfortable completing those daily tasks. The homepage is typically the first tab a user lands on when logging into Salesforce, giving them access to everything they need to manage their day.

Intended Audience

This article is for anyone who uses Salesforce daily to manage their day to day activities.

View Work Queue

  1. Open Salesforce
  2. Go to your respective app and view the home page
  3. The work queue at the top will have a button to open it.
  4. It will either show empty or X number of steps in cadences to complete

View Tasks

  1. Open Salesforce
  2. Go to the homepage of your respective app and see the task appears under “Today’s Tasks”
  3. If you do not have any tasks, this will populate when you start creating them for yourself

View Events

  1. Open Salesforce
  2. Go to the homepage of your respective app and see the event appears under “Today’s Events”
  3. If you do not have any events, this will populate when you start creating them for yourself

View Pipeline

  1. Open Salesforce
  2. Navigate to your respective app
  3. Click on the tab “My Pipeline”
  4. You should see your open opportunities

How did we do?

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