Updating Parent Accounts / Districts in Progress Learning

Mackenzie Maddox Updated by Mackenzie Maddox

In Salesforce, Navigate to the School/Rooftop Account Page

1. Click on the pencil icon to edit the Parent Account

2. Click on Clear Selection

3. Type the name of the updated district

4. Click on the correct District Account

5. Click on Save

6. Navigate to the Acct Mgmt Tab, scroll to the "Progress Learning App Details" section, and click on the pencil to Edit "PL Integration Processed"

7. Uncheck the box for "PL Integration Processed", and clear out the date and time "PL Integration Time Stamp" fields

8. Under the Progress Learning API Sync section, Check the box for "Sync Account to PL"

9. Click on Save

In Salesforce, Navigate to the District/Parent Account Page

10. Click on the District/Parent Account Page

11. Click on the pencil icon to edit "PL Integration Processed"

12. Uncheck the box for "PL Integration Processed," and clear out the date and time "PL Integration Time Stamp" fields

13. Under the Progress Learning API Sync section, Check the box for "Sync Account to PL"

14. Click on Save

15. Wait 30 minutes for the sync to happen. Check the Mini CRM to ensure the switch happened after the sync.

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