Table of Contents

How to Work BDR Created Opportunities (Account Executives)

How to Work BDR Created Opportunities (BDR booked demos)
  1. Open the opportunity record from your My Open Opportunities list view.
  2. Review the opportunity record. Ensure the following fields are completed:
  • Opportunity Name Account Name + the Close Date (you can enter anything here, once you click save, the Opportunity Name will default)
  • Primary Contact - demo attendee or the person who's name should be on the quote
  • Close Date - select the date 90 days past the demo date (demo date + 90 days)
  • Stage - Staging
  • Demo Booked By - BDR name
  • Demo Date - select the date of the demo
  • Demo Status - select No Show, Canceled, Reschedule, Completed
  • Stage - select the appropriate stage using this table for descriptions of each stage. You will continue to update the opportunity stage as you work your pipeline.
  • Optional - For Title 1 opportunities, input the appropriate dates in the Title 1 start/Title 1 end date fields.
  • Optional - Select the appropriate promotion.
  1. In the activity section, review any pre-demo notes and add any applicable post-demo notes. Click Save.
    • Subject: Demo Notes
    • Comments: enter anything related to the demo
  2. Open the account record and verify the account record data is correct.
    • Spelling and capitalization ( I.E. - an account name should not be listed as HARPER ACADEMY. Instead the account name should be listed as Harper Academy)
    • Verify the correct Parent Account is listed. If not, please contact your manager.
    • Ensure the phone number and shipping address are correct.
    • Verify all contacts that you have been working with are related to the account(s) and have billing and implementation roles selected.
    • For more information, click this link.
  3. After marking the demo as completed, continue to create the quote. For instructions on creating a quote, click here.
How to Change the Opportunity Stage to Closed Lost
If your demo was canceled, a no show, or needs to be rescheduled but you have no new demo date, mark the opportunity as CLOSED LOST. AEs should also mark the opportunity as closed lost if they need to merge the opportunity with another opportunity or to no longer work the opportunity.
  1. Open up the opportunity record.
  2. Click the pencil in the Demo Status field. Select no show or cancelled.
  3. Click the pencil in the Stage field. Select Closed Lost. Click Save.


  • If multiple schools show up on one demo - create multiple opportunities. One under each school account record.
  • If school demos lead to a district opportunity, the AE or BDR fills out the “Demo booked by” and “Demo date” so BDR gets the credit. The demo date should be the date of transition.

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How to Schedule Demos and Events in Salesforce?

New Sales Quote Manager Approval Process
