Table of Contents

Create and Customize List Views in Salesforce

  1. Navigate to the Salesforce object (Leads, Accounts, Contacts, Tasks) that you want to create a list view for sorting data.
  2. Click the list view settings gear. Click New to create a new list or Clone to clone an existing list.
  3. Name the list.
  4. Select Only I can see this list view.
  5. Click Save.

The list view defaults to show records assigned to you, regardless of their type or location. Also, the Filters panel is now available.

How to Add a List View Filter

Let’s change the filter

  1. Click in the Filter box to edit the filter.
  2. Select the appropriate radio button. Click Done.
  3. Click Add Filter.
  1. Select the appropriate fields/filters to add.
  1. Click the X icon.

You can customize the data columns that are displayed in your list view.

Add And Rearrange List View Display Columns
  1. From the list view gear control choose Select Fields to Display

  1. Select the field that you would like to add to the display from the Available Fields box
    1. Click the left arrow indicated below to move the field to the Visible Fields display box
  2. Change the display order of the visible fields by selecting the filed that you want to move
    1. Click the Up or Down arrows indicated below to move the field's display.
      Note: Fields at the top of the list will display on the left side of the list view
  3. Remove fields from the list view display by selecting the field in the Visible Fields box to be removed
    1. Click the right arrow indicated below
    2. Click Save

The new field is added and the selected field is removed from the list view

Edit Record Data Directly in the List View

You can edit most data from a record’s details from list views. To open a record for editing while keeping the list view open in the background, follow the steps below:

Edit All Record Data From A List View
  1. On the for right side of the record to be edited click down arrow and select the Edit option in a record’s action menu.

The Edit record view will appear in the foreground.

  1. Make any desired edits and click Save
  1. The record will be updated and displayed back in the list view. Use this method to work down a list view configured for your pipeline (lead, opportunity) management.
Editing List View Data Inline

You can also quickly edit data inline inside the list view following the steps below:

  1. To edit a record's data inline, hover over the field. Editable fields will display a pencil icon. Fields that cannot be edited will display a lock icon.
  1. Click the pencil icon to open the field for inline editing
  1. Click Save
Editing Multiple List View Records

Need to make the same update to multiple records? Here’s another feature you can use to edit multiple fields on a list view at the same time.

Hover over fields to see which ones are editable (Pencil icon) and which ones can’t be modified (lock icon).

  1. In a list view, select all of the records that you want to edit by checking the checkbox on the left side of the record.
  1. Edit just one of the selected record's fields by clicking the pencil icon in the field.
  1. Check the Update selected records checkbox and click Apply
  1. All of the selected updated fields will be highlighted in yellow. Click Save
  2. The list view is updated with your changes
List View Challenge
  • Go to the Leads tab
  • Create a new list view named Georgia Leads (or any other state) . Be sure that only you can see your list view (be sure to Save your work)
  • The Filter by Owner filter to show All Leads
  • Add a new filter for State/Province. Change the Filter criteria to only show Leads from the State that you selected. Be sure to use the two letter abbreviation for the state.
  • Remove a field from the list view display
  • Add the BDR field to the top (left side) of the list view. It may, or may not display any data.
How-to Video

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