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How Do I Submit a Salesforce IT Helpdesk Ticket?

The purpose of this article is to document the process used to create a support ticket for Salesforce User help or to report a problem with Salesforce functionality of performance.

Salesforce Support Process

  1. Salesforce Users who need to request support assistance should access the IT Helpdesk form located in the Progress Learning Employee site - here.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to create a new support ticket.
    1. Answer the question in each window and click the Next button
    1. The last window includes a text box where additional information can be provided to help troubleshoot the problem
      1. If your ticket involves an error message that Salesforce or another platform displayed, please provide the steps that you took to receive the error so it can be researched. The more details, the better!
  3. You will receive an email confirmation that your case ticket has been received and created. IT Support will work to resolve and/or respond within one business day.

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