Table of Contents

Tax Exemption Cases


The purpose of this article is to document steps for closing Tax Exemption Form Cases for the Order to Cash (O2C) Team.  In order to maintain compliance with state regulations for Tax Exempt Forms, the O2C Team will send an email blast and manage Tax Exemption Cases on an annual basis

Intended Audience

  • O2C Team

What's Changing

  • Maintaining compliance with state regulations of Tax Exempt Forms will be an annual task during the slow season
  • Once an email blast is sent by the Marketing Team, the responses will autocreate cases in Salesforce
  • The team will manage closing cases to input the data into Salesforce

Required Information (from customer):

  • Tax Exempt Form attached
  • Account Name (auto-filled)
  • Contact Record (auto-filled)

How to complete a Tax Exempt Form Case: (O2C Team Member)

  1. Navigate to Cases in Salesforce and select the All Open Tax Forms Cases to list view - you can find this on your O2C Home Page as well
  2. Open a New Tax Exempt Form Case by clicking on the Case Number from the “All Open Tax Forms Cases” list view in Salesforce
    1. Refresh the list EVERY TIME you go to select a new case
      1. If someone else on the team is working cases at the same time, you will see their name appear so you can avoid working the same case at the same time
  1. Claim the case by clicking on the Claim Case button in the top right-hand corner (Refresh Browser to View).  Clicking this button will trigger a flow that will:
    1. Update the status from New to Open 
    2. Update the Case Owner from Processing to the Current User 
  1. Verify Tax Exempt Form is attached
    1. In some cases, the customer is communicating they are not tax-exempt.  These will not have an attachment
      1. When working these cases, on the Exemption Status field, select Not Tax Exempt
  1. Open the Tax Exempt Form attached to the case and verify you have the correct document 
    1. Tax documents will vary from one district to another as well as one state to another
    2. Some do not have or require a Tax Exempt Number  
  2. Click on the Account Name (auto-filled) from the case after verifying it is the correct Account Name matching the Name of the District on the document
  1. Under the “Order Processing / Accounting” section on the Account Page, enter the fields available from the Tax Exempt Form
    1. Exemption Certificate Expiration Date - 
      1. this is not always provided 
      2. it is fine to leave it blank
    2. Exemption Status
      1. Exemption Form on File
      2. Exemption Number Only
        1. Usually this is provided off of a Purchase Order
      3. Not Tax Exempt
        1. Some states/schools are not tax exempt
    3. Sales Tax Exemption Number
      1. If no number is provided, add N/A for not available
  1. Upload the Tax Exempt Form to the Files object on the Account Page
  1. Once Steps 1-8 are completed, move the Case Status to Closed

How did we do?

Processing Orders - Getting Started

What if I Receive a Task from Processing Regarding an Error?
