Table of Contents

Processing Orders - Getting Started

Getting Started

  1. Use the Purchase Order Queue to access orders ready for processing: 
  2. Each time you enter the queue, click the refresh button to ensure you have the most updated information and see if more than one processor is processing.

  1. Start processing from the oldest order(refer to PO Timestamp column).

  1. All Credit Card orders should be prioritized first (Refer to Payment Type column).

Ready To Process

  1. Click on the link in the “Opportunity Name” column once you’ve selected which order to process.  This will take you to the opportunity page in Salesforce.

  1. Add your name as the Processor in the “Key Fields” section.
  2. Download and Open the PO attachment from the “Notes & Attachments” or “Files”  objects located under “Related List Quick Links”.

  1. Glance at the “Type” & “District” Checkbox you will need these later. (New Sale, Renewal, Upsell, etc & School or District order)
  2. Refer to the PO to verify information entered during the queuing process
  • PO Amount matches Opportunity 
  • PO amount can be more but cannot be less than the opportunity
  • The PO total may not match if the school added tax or did not include their discount - or both - this is still a match and we will process it as is on the quote
  • As long as the PO amount is more than the quote, we are ok to process
  • PO Number (DPOs use the quote number. i.e. “DPO-09854”)
  • Bill To Account 
  1. Click the link to go to the account record.
    1. Verify address under the Billing section & billing contact under Related Contacts
    2. Update the information if you have the best billing info 

  1. Close opened tabs to go back to the Opportunity (crown) tab.
  2. Click “Products” under Related List Quick links to verify all products match the PO line items
  • sometimes the PO does not list the products. 
  • glance at the quote PDF to make sure it matches
  1. If there is a mismatch between the PO line items and the product, place the opportunity on hold and create a task for the opportunity owner to get written (email) confirmation of the correct products.
  • Ex: PO states ELA & Math but the quote(products) states ELA & Science. You can glance at the email thread to see if there was already a correction first.
  1. Once email confirmation is received, save the email thread as PDF and upload it to “Files”
  2. Ensure there is an End User for each line item. Click End User, make sure they have an appropriate Account ID and is not a Trial Account.
  3. Make sure the quantity is 1. (Disregard for EG orders)
  4. Look at the “Start Date” Column for EACH line item
If you do not have to make changes to the date, skip to the section titled, "Continue Processing"

For New Sales & most likely Upsells, ensure the following:

  • The date should be today’s date ONLY (use your discretion if you want to update or put the opportunity on hold to have it updated)
  • If there is a free months promo, the start date should be today’s date. If the quote amount changes, use the target amount field 
  • Look at the New Expiration Date Column to see if there is a promo or look at the Promo section of the opportunity or quote PDF
  • Check with Lead Processor or Manager if the start date is the previous month

  1. In order to update the Start date, open the quote generator.
  2. Click “Quotes” under Related Quick Links

  1. Click “Edit Lines” for the correct/primary quote
  1. Update the Start Date and End Date
  2. If there is a promo, do not update the End date
  3. Scroll to the bottom to make sure the total is accurate
  4. If it is a promo, you may need to enter the correct amount in the target amount field
  5. Click Save


  1. If the old expiration date has not passed, the new start date should be the day after that old expiration date.
    1. If the old expiration is 3/31/2022 the start Date should be 4/1/2022
    2. If the old expiration date did pass, the new start date should be today’s date
  2. Do NOT use the “Old Expiration” Column. Click the school name link under the End User Column to check Old Expiration Dates
  3. After you click the End-User (school) name, the tab to the account page will open
  4. Check Account ID (update if needed)
  5. Click “Subscriptions” under Related List Quick Links
  6. Go to the “End Date” Column to determine:
  • If it should be an amendment
  • start date for the order you are processing. Make sure there is no overlap
  1. You will have to jump back and forth between the “Products” tab (the order you’re processing) and the “Subscriptions” tab (products already active or expired at the school now) 

New Sales 

  • They will not have any subscriptions or subscriptions that expired more than a year ago

Renewals & Upsells

  • If there is an end date under “Subscriptions” that matches “Products” the end date it may or may not need to be an Amendment
  • Recall if your order is on the District or School level (checkbox on Opportunity)
  • Check if the active subscriptions are on the same level (checkboxes)
  • If it is on the same level place it on hold & have the opportunity owner create the amendment
  • If it is not on the same level proceed as normal

Continue Processing

  1. Confirm the Products have the correct start date
  2. Close the additional tabs to return to the Opportunity tab
  3. Scroll to the top and click the “Mark Stage as Complete” button
  4. Select “Closed Won” and click Save

  1. Once it closes, you will see confetti
  2. Hover over the “Orders” object under Related List Quick Links, click the order number
  3. Make sure there is a “Bill To Contact” listed under the “Order Information” section
  4. If there was a Title 1 start and end date under the “Invoicing” section, Check the Title 1 box
  5. If the order is a DPO, check the “Invoice on Hold” box
  6. If the PO stated to upload an invoice to Nexus, check the “Submit to Portal” box
  • add the account name and Uber Account ID number to Invoice Submission Portal. The Uber number is on the account page, near the bottom under the “Uber Related” section

  1. Click “Activated” and the “Mark Status as Complete” button to activate the order
  • The Draft status will turn green and Activated will turn blue

  1. Go back to the opportunity (keep the order tab open)
  2. Click the “Send License Update” button

  1. Select Order Confirmation
  2. Check the box for contact to send the email to
  • Primary contact on the opportunity, contact or PO, or contact or email thread
  • You can only send to one person at a time so only check one box at a time if you choose to send to multiple contacts
  1. Go back to the order Tab by clicking the account tab that opened

  1. Scroll down to the Contract information section
  2. Make sure the Contracted box is checked

How did we do?

Order Processing Coordinator - Queueing Opportunities

Tax Exemption Cases
