Creating Multiple-Choice Questions

Trey Loker Updated by Trey Loker

- Always choose the Multiple Choice - Block Layout option.

- K and 1st grade have three answer choices. Click the trash can icon to remove the 4th answer choice option.

- If you need to insert an image, click the picture icon at the top of the question stem or answer choice box.

- Make sure the image is centered, with a prompt statement above it and the question stem below it.

- To add special math features, click on the Latex math button

- The table icon will help you create a chart or table. Please use this option instead of a picture of a chart or table whenever possible.

- I almost always choose the Border and Content Width options

- The Insert Special Character is used to insert the multiplication sign, division sign, degree, squared, cubed, etc.

- The Source button will take you to the source code of the question stem. This is where you can use html symbols to do a variety of things.

- Below the answer choices, click the Shuffle options box. The only times you don’t click this is when 

-The answer choices are numbers. These choices then need to be ordered from least to greatest.

- The answer choices reflect data from the image or table. These need to be listed in the order the data shows from left to right.

- Click Save when your question is complete. The window will take you back to the Associated Questions screen. Scroll down to the bottom of the menu to find your question.

- Reopen your question. Preview the question by clicking the Preview button. Make sure your question works the way you want it to work.

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Centering a Chart/Table in the Question Stem

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