How do I create a Customer Support Command Article?

DaCota Cole Updated by DaCota Cole

  1. Create the title name in the form of a question unless it's a more straightforward, technical guide that may answer several questions.
  2. Set the category for the article = Customer Support
  3. Bold words that you select or button names that are selected to carry out a task or point out something actionable for the user following along.
  4. You can select the callout icon in the toolbar above when editing an article to add a callout.
    The above items can be found here:
  • You can add bullet points, numbered lists, blocks with embedded videos which can be helpful. You can even add block quotes by selecting the block option.
    • Here is what the block icon looks like:
Be sure to select save and publish changes in the top right of the content editor to make your changes live. In the top left, make sure the status shows published. See figure 2 below.

Figure 2:

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